Firstly, what's with the hysteric look? You probably clicked that link wondering, 'wtf is this about?' OR 'Seriously, how is that even possible?' In the next few paragraphs, I'm gonna try to elaborate my point. It's just one way to look at it, so if you disagree/ don't like it/ hate me in general, please don't shoot me. Secondly, to my friends, families, supporters, fans and haters (yes, my dear haters, I do love you) apologies for letting this place gather dust over there past few months. I can rant about how life is becoming busier day by day, but hell, that's not what you are here for, are you? Therefore, without further ado, let's get down to business.
So throughout history, we have seen a technologically superior race invade and enslave an inferior one; exploiting them and resources, which rightfully belong to them. The same old same old. As time progressed, they ran out of ideas for motion pictures (yeah, that's what they used to call movies, back in the day) and since science fiction was booming, they thought, 'HEY! Why not try something new; something from the past and something from the new!' and thus was born the epic genre of the Alien invasion movies. There are just SO many of them, the thought of listing a few intimidates me (not just because of the sheer numbers but also thanks to the raging alien movie fans who would go, 'you n00b! How could you forget the most epicest awesomest alien movie of all time - <insert name of the so-called epicest awesomest alien movie of all time here>').
Getting back, the basic theme of these movies is pretty much the same. A hi-tech alien race decides to come to Earth and enslave or destroy all human beings. The destroying part doesn't really make sense, unless they want natural resources, say minerals or vespene gas, without human interference.
But then again, they'll need to mine or extract these minerals or gases, which again, would require someone to man the stations. (or should I say, 'alien the stations'; no joke intended there) Here, they will have to either employ staff from their own planet OR implement machinery (or some psyonic technology) to look after it. Strictly, from a financial point of view, that requires investment and maintenance (at the very least). Why go through all this bs when you can just ask the humans to get it for you? That's the reason why I feel, destroying the human race isn't in their best interest.
Then again, there would be the old school non-believers, still living in their little bubble of, 'No, aliens don't exist.' I mean, seriously, grow up. You exist, I exist, we exist. A thriving population of nearly 6 billion species of the human race, so why not some other race on some other planet? [note - for those who talk about 'life supporting' planets, you must always remember, the Earth's atmosphere wasn't made for us, WE were made for it. Our ancestors evolved and adapted to it. So who knows, our alien invaders might just be Nitrogen breathing, Sulfuric acid drinking badasses] (< paranoia)
The other thing is, we, the human race, are trying so hard to venture into outer space. What if THEY have already succeeded? (< major paranoia)
Now ever since I came to Singapore (YAY!!!), I realized how different things would be if the British hadn't ruled this place so many years ago. One of the biggest differences, for a foreigner like me, would be that I would be speaking either Hokkien or Mandarin or some other Chinese dialect or Malay or maybe even Tamil! Overall, we have this linguistic uniformity thanks to the British gift of English.
For illustrative purposes, let's consider a fictional planet called Xeforonia (by common sci-fi conventions it has an X in it and is hard to pronounce. I can almost imagine our Xeforonian commander trying to communicate with Raj, the fictional Indian slave from Russel Peter's illustrations.
Commander : xquiie fuu ze kottan meeneraals, Raj (Raj, go mine the minerals)
Raj : Saar.... It's not kottan... it's called Cotton. *picks cotton from the fields*
Commander : -_-" *facepalms*
My point being, they will need to educate the humans and teach us their language and technology. Now this is the point where they are, practically, nailing their own coffin. Because once the humans, master their language, we will do what we have been doing for the past 'I-don't-wanna-count-how-many' years. MIGRATION XD
At this time, our Xeforonian bosses would wish they had never met us.
The benefit for humanity, here, would be a common language that all humans would be able to speak, since it was forcibly taught in school. Isn't that how people of most commonwealth nations learnt English? (Hell, I did) Might sound silly to an extent but it would foster a sense of oneness, unity, mutual understanding and <more words from the sociology text book here> amongst us humans.
Over time, what seemed like slavery, suddenly turns out to be an opportunity! So the next time, you see a flying soccer slowly landing, don't panic, scream and run; rather anticipate your new bosses. Wave to them, give them a warm welcoming smile, get to know them better. Because at the end, they might be invading our planet and enslaving us but in the long run, it's WE who will be taking over their planet XD
To top it, who knows, they might just be kinda cute! ;)
So throughout history, we have seen a technologically superior race invade and enslave an inferior one; exploiting them and resources, which rightfully belong to them. The same old same old. As time progressed, they ran out of ideas for motion pictures (yeah, that's what they used to call movies, back in the day) and since science fiction was booming, they thought, 'HEY! Why not try something new; something from the past and something from the new!' and thus was born the epic genre of the Alien invasion movies. There are just SO many of them, the thought of listing a few intimidates me (not just because of the sheer numbers but also thanks to the raging alien movie fans who would go, 'you n00b! How could you forget the most epicest awesomest alien movie of all time - <insert name of the so-called epicest awesomest alien movie of all time here>').
Getting back, the basic theme of these movies is pretty much the same. A hi-tech alien race decides to come to Earth and enslave or destroy all human beings. The destroying part doesn't really make sense, unless they want natural resources, say minerals or vespene gas, without human interference.
But then again, they'll need to mine or extract these minerals or gases, which again, would require someone to man the stations. (or should I say, 'alien the stations'; no joke intended there) Here, they will have to either employ staff from their own planet OR implement machinery (or some psyonic technology) to look after it. Strictly, from a financial point of view, that requires investment and maintenance (at the very least). Why go through all this bs when you can just ask the humans to get it for you? That's the reason why I feel, destroying the human race isn't in their best interest.
Then again, there would be the old school non-believers, still living in their little bubble of, 'No, aliens don't exist.' I mean, seriously, grow up. You exist, I exist, we exist. A thriving population of nearly 6 billion species of the human race, so why not some other race on some other planet? [note - for those who talk about 'life supporting' planets, you must always remember, the Earth's atmosphere wasn't made for us, WE were made for it. Our ancestors evolved and adapted to it. So who knows, our alien invaders might just be Nitrogen breathing, Sulfuric acid drinking badasses] (< paranoia)
The other thing is, we, the human race, are trying so hard to venture into outer space. What if THEY have already succeeded? (< major paranoia)
Now ever since I came to Singapore (YAY!!!), I realized how different things would be if the British hadn't ruled this place so many years ago. One of the biggest differences, for a foreigner like me, would be that I would be speaking either Hokkien or Mandarin or some other Chinese dialect or Malay or maybe even Tamil! Overall, we have this linguistic uniformity thanks to the British gift of English.
For illustrative purposes, let's consider a fictional planet called Xeforonia (by common sci-fi conventions it has an X in it and is hard to pronounce. I can almost imagine our Xeforonian commander trying to communicate with Raj, the fictional Indian slave from Russel Peter's illustrations.
Commander : xquiie fuu ze kottan meeneraals, Raj (Raj, go mine the minerals)
Raj : Saar.... It's not kottan... it's called Cotton. *picks cotton from the fields*
Commander : -_-" *facepalms*
![]() |
Raj : 1 Xeforonian Commander : 0 |
My point being, they will need to educate the humans and teach us their language and technology. Now this is the point where they are, practically, nailing their own coffin. Because once the humans, master their language, we will do what we have been doing for the past 'I-don't-wanna-count-how-many' years. MIGRATION XD
At this time, our Xeforonian bosses would wish they had never met us.
The benefit for humanity, here, would be a common language that all humans would be able to speak, since it was forcibly taught in school. Isn't that how people of most commonwealth nations learnt English? (Hell, I did) Might sound silly to an extent but it would foster a sense of oneness, unity, mutual understanding and <more words from the sociology text book here> amongst us humans.
Over time, what seemed like slavery, suddenly turns out to be an opportunity! So the next time, you see a flying soccer slowly landing, don't panic, scream and run; rather anticipate your new bosses. Wave to them, give them a warm welcoming smile, get to know them better. Because at the end, they might be invading our planet and enslaving us but in the long run, it's WE who will be taking over their planet XD
To top it, who knows, they might just be kinda cute! ;)